At Green Meadows School the management and the highly talented teachers work as a team to guide each student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Our students are mature, friendly and polite and demonstrate excellent behaviour and attitude to learning. Teachers are experts in their subjects and have high expectations from all students. To enable the students to achieve the best of education we have state of art computer labs, science labs and a well-stocked library with reading materials for all age group. Here we aim to meet the needs of all our students. The professional development of the staff enables them to match their teaching to individual learning styles. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential through personalized learning programmes and gifted and talented provisions.
We want our students to develop confidence self-esteem and the determination to succeed.
Extra – Curricular Activities
Pupils are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities in the belief that this is an essential aspect of their overall education, and complementary to their academic development, both of these components being essential in preparing our pupils for life. Green Meadows School is committed to an education that extends beyond the confines of the classroom. Sports is an integral part of our education system. We continue to maintain a sporting/cultural balance by offering many activities 'outside' the realm of sport. Debates, speech contests, singing and recitation competition , and many more give the pupils a chance to perform in front of, or to, an audience.
Evaluation System
Continuous evaluations / assessments are made throughout the year on the basis of which promotion is granted. Answer scripts and Report Cards are handed over only to parents. In the absence of parents local guardian’s whose names are mentioned in the school handbook only are liable to collect the Report Cards/ Answer Scripts after submission of authority letter from the parents.
If a student does not have a minimum of 80% attendance, he/she will be debarred from appearing for the Final Examinations.
To secure promotion, one must obtain pass marks (40%) in all the subjects.
House System
To enhance pastoral care of our students, the school has a house system in which every student and teacher is a member of one of four houses. House activities, such as camps and inter-house competitions are held regularly to enhance team spirit, develop leadership and social skills as well as compassion for others.
Students from class I to class X are divided into four houses namely Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. Teachers are given charge of each house. Captains and Vice-Captains of each house are selected by the teachers. All the extracurricular activities will be organized by the different houses under the able guidance of the respective teachers. Academics, Sports, Discipline, Conduct, Punctuality, Regularity and all other extracurricular activities will be taken into account to decide the performance of each house. The best house will be declared towards the end of the scholastic year.
Admission Procedure
A candidate seeking admission will have to collect Application Form and prospectus from the office of Green Meadows School, Homoeopathic College Road, Bagharbari, Guwahati – 37 in person against a cash payment.
Duly filled in application forms alongwith the required documents must reach the office of the Principal, Green Meadows School on the stipulated date.
Admission Criteria
Selection of candidates for new admission will be purely on the basis of interactions (for class Nursery and KG) and written and oral (for other classes).
Decision of the management committee will be final and binding.
Children applying for admissions should fulfill the following criteria ::
- For class Nursery the child should have completed 3 years of age.
- For class KG the child should have completed 4 years and passed class Nursery.
- For class I the child should have completed 5 years and passed class KG.
- For class II the child should have completed 6 years and passed class I.
- For class III the child should have completed 7 years and passed class II.
- For class IV the child should have completed 8 years and passed class III.
- For class V the child should have completed 9 years and passed class IV.
- For class VI the child should have completed 10 years and passed class V.
- For class VII the student should have completed 11 years and passed class VI.
- For class VIII the student should have completed 12 years and passed class VII.
Documents ::
The following documents are to be submitted along with the duly filled application form:
- 4 (four) recent passport sized photograph of the applicant.
- Birth Certificate.
- Result Sheet of last class attended.
- Current residence address proof (Electricity bill, Telephone bill etc).
- Transfer certificates from the school last attended (for class I onwards).
Fees Payment Guidelines ::
The school fee is payable monthly. Any student taking admission in the middle of the session will have to deposit the requisite school fee for the whole academic year. Fee for the whole year can be paid at one time at the beginning of the year.
Fees payable monthly must be paid by the 7th of each month. A fine will be levied for late fee payments. The school is liable to forfeit the admission of a student if monthly fees are not paid for two consecutive months.
A student with any amount of fee pending against him / her will not be issued admit card for an ensuing test / exam and henceforth will not be allowed to appear in the test / exam unless the dues are cleared. Fees will not be collected during test / exam days. Hence admit card will not be issued once test / exam has started.
Fees for the month of July should be paid along with the fees of June and the fees of March should be paid along with the fees of February.
Students failing to pay transportation fees for two consecutive months will not be able to avail the transport facility until the pending dues are cleared. Transport fees are subjected to the distance of the route.
Fees once paid are not refundable under any circumstances.