General Rules of the School
- Students must reach the school campus at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the morning assembly. It is mandatory for each and every student to be present at the morning assembly.
- No student will be allowed to leave the school campus during the school hours. Prior permission has to be taken from the school authority for leave during school hours. Reason and time of leave has to be mentioned properly in the school hand book and signed by the parents.
- In order to develop the skill of English language students are restricted from speaking any other language other than English in the school campus.
- The school hand book should be brought to school daily as all notices and communications with the parents will be made through the school hand book.
- Any kind of misbehavior, use of indecent language, indulgence in any kind of violence or any such act that may be deemed unlawful by the school authority will invite immediate termination of such students from the school.
- Students with incorrect uniform will not be allowed to enter the school premises.
- Parents should feel free to discuss any matter regarding their children with the teachers or principal with prior appointments.
- Parents are not allowed to meet their children inside the school premises during school hours.
- Students who are absent should bring a leave note from their parents in the space provided in the school hand book immediately on the day they come to school. Parents should mention the reason of absence, number of days absent along with their signature. Students who are absent for more than 4 (four) days will have to give a medical certificate to the principal or else prior permission will have to be taken from the principal.
- Any kind of electronic gadgets, mobile phones, pen drives, Bluetooth, etc are not allowed inside the school premises. Any such items found with the students will be confiscated by the school authority and will not be returned back.
School Uniform
The school maintains a strict discipline regarding the uniform worn by the students. Students with incorrect uniform will not be allowed to attend the class. They might be asked to return home.
Boys Uniform
Checked Shirt, Grey trousers (Half pants are allowed till class II), Neck tie and belt
Black shoes with laces (Action or Bata shoes only), White Socks.
For winter grey sweaters with the school logo engraved in it.

Girls Uniform
Kurta , Grey Salwars , Grey Waistcoat.
Grey pinafore skirt (full pants during winter) and shirt, neck tie and belt (for classes Nursery – III)
White Socks and Black Shoes.
Red ribbon
For winter grey sweaters with the school logo engraved in it.